Thursday, October 1, 2009


So I buy my ticket out of Xalapa, I think I overstayed in Xalapa.... 5 days in a HUUUUGEE city is too much for me. I wanted OUT.
I knew that my destination is 'Guanajuato'.... well because alomost EVERYONE I spoke to ...Everyone...has fallen in love with Guanajuato and has talked so much about its simple way of living and beauty and culture and architecture... and all.

However!!! To buy a ticket from Xalapa straight to Guanajuato would be crazy! It would probably mean 24 hours of driving since the distance is HUGE!

So I decide to pass by "the famous PUEBLA"... Everyone seems to talk about Puebla, and its basically the Capital of the State of Puebla.... and its in the middle.... Okay why not?? ONE DAY! MAXIMUM!

I read about Puebla.... And this is what I read:
Its famous for its CHURCHES.... There is one church in each and every corner! Im not Kidding.... In the Historical Centre alone, the downtown, there are 70 Churches... SEVENTY..... Thats more that the Starbuckses of Dubai!!!
Tayyib...Fine.... Lets Go... Museums, Museums, Whatever, Okay, Churches, Churhes, Archeological sites, Fine... I was SOOOOOO NOT impressed by Puebla!

I land Puebla.....and I look around.. and I send a message to my boyfriend telling him "This place really looks like Dawra... you know.. Dawra of Lebanon, the guetto neighborhood with no life... I wanna leave.... Im gonna leave tomorrow".
My smart boyfriend tells me to wait till I get to the hotel and to message him when Im there....
THISSSSS is the hotel!!!! How gorgeous can a hotel be??? How colorful and happy can a hotel be???

I check in... and within 4 minutes, I meet 2 blonde girls, really tall girls that are really so so sweet and loving LIFE and loving ADORING Mexico... Its their 2nd time here.... (LIKE MEEEEEE).

So here... Us three girls.... hang out the whole day... we walk around the city.... we have dinner and I HAVE NEVER EVER EVER TALKED SO MUCH! We talk and talk and talk!!!!
Theyre from Denmark and theyre sisters!!!

The city is beaaauuuutiful... THIS is sooo much more LINA.... and you know what I realized??? The fact that the roads carry ONE-LANES of cars.... and not TWO!!! This is exatly like my San Cristobal.. and OH how I love this system.... One lane of cars, amidst two pedestrian lanes, decorated with colorful shops.
Music from shops, music from cars, music from singing people on the streets, Music from LIFE.
Balloons, flowers, kids, LIFE LIFE LIFE.

We come back to the room, and exchange music... I give them some of my music and they give me some Spanish music.... and I SLEEP..... with a SMILE thats worth 9 TRILLION negative thoughts that I had gathered about Puebla.



  2. this is great news!!! but u know i need more!! u know IT!
