Sunday, October 25, 2009

Seventy Five Happy!

Meet Joyce.

I am staying with Joyce.

Joyce is a 75-year old ex-hippie. She is welcoming me in her house in San Miguel De Allende.

I got here early in the morning and Joyce was fully awake! She opened the door for me, offered me coffee and showed me my room.
Then, Joyce and I started walking upwards to a "Garage Sale" that she says is next to her house...

**The streets of San Miguel de Allende are all made of cobble stone... Add to that, the fact that they are all upward hills and downward hills!

**The streets of San Miguel are TOUGH , TOUGH, MANNN TOUGH.

I felt really bad panting and BARELY breathing , while Joyce is walking next to me with FULL force talking to me about the different types of construction material available in San Miguel.

I left Joyce and went down to the Market of Artisana.... and then for some lunch....

I went back home to find Joyce having a massage!
A mexicana comes to her place every week, and Joyce puts the Fireplace with some light music... and she gets her massage!

I showered, and was invited by Joyce to have a "Cup of cheap Cherry".... I have NOOOO IDEA what that was but I accepted!
Joyce did not have dinner, but so far, Joyce has had 3 cups of "Cheap cherry".

What a woman! She has small stairs on the side of her bed in her room..... She climbs those steps to get to the roof,,, and she does it like she is a 16 year-old!
*** Please stop for a second and IMAGINE a 75-year old woman climbing a wooden old staircase!

Her house is 2 floors, and you find her walking up and down and up and down !!!

Now..//..... Joyce wants us to watch TV, a series called "Keeping up appearances"... We just started with Series One.. and Im happy.


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