Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Two hours from Puebla to Mexico City, WAIT for 2 hours, and then pick up the next bus to Guanajuato which is a 5-hour ride.... I AM HERE, I have made it to Guanajuato!

They do not lie! Guanajuato is another world!!! I don't know how it does it, but its another BIG BIG colonial city that has SUCH a nice, young, artistic, musical, fresh vibe.
Guanajuato holds the 'University of Guanajuato' that houses 20,000 Arts Students... so....
the Art, people.... The Art!!!

MY MORNING: I wake up, I do my Yoga, and I go to Escuela Mexicana. They were expecting me, so That was cool.
I enrolled in ONE WEEK (one week for now, I think Im gonna extend); in 2 classes per day of:
Class 1: Conversation.
Class 2: Practical Conversation

Yep,Im done with Grammar, Im done with passado, futuro, imperativo and subjontivo... NOW I need to start using them !!! and Practice is my only way!!!!!

Okay heres the story about my school.......

Im in a group class, so I have 5 other students with me..... 4 are American and one German man.
** The average age is around 85 years old!
**One of them has a hearing aid on his ear.
*** My boyfriend was SOOOOO HAPPY about this piece od news, he almost started cheering!!

So did I make friends???? NO, NOT YET.

***They all "chill" outside of class and talk about the retirement plans they have chosen!

But theyre so cute.... An old couple, sitting next to each other, learning spanish together, living in Mexico together, when the man speaks, the woman stares at him while smiling.... its beautiful!!!
Just like my parents... They love each other so much and THATS HOW I WANNA GROW OLD!
My classes are from 1 to 3.... so Today I went to the Market and bought my food for the week... all my vegetables and proteins and necessary food elements in my Life.... I paid 7 Dollars for everything!!!!!!

At first I thought I was hallucinating..... Everytime I walk on the streets, People would smile at me.... But when I concentrated .... They reallyyyyyyy smiled, and even said "Hola"... SUCH a nice feeling... now, I walk on the street WHILST smiling... so I dont miss anyone!!!!

Guanajuato.... Guanajuato...... Guanajuato...... You are a Jewel!!!!!!


  1. hahahahah!! cracked me up with the average age!!! hahaha!!! i miss u!!! finals over in 5 days!!! after that parrrtyyyyyy time!!! C barrr w zaaataaarrrr w zeit!!!

  2. lina... i think you need to change classes! i am sure toOf will understand!


