Monday, September 7, 2009

The Beach

Ariana and I wake up and have breakfast.. its Sunday so its our weekend... no Yoga today , so we think of going to the beach! She knows a calm one, so we head out there.

I need to state something here..... NEVER EVERRR EVER did I give 2 minutes of thought towards the concept of a beach! The beach was the beach to me! And THIS, HERE, NOW is teaching me and showing me the difference between a beach and another!
You see, This whole coast is on the Pacific Side of Mexico... Its a bunch of little towns close to each other ( inno walking-distance-close) that share the beach! HOWEVERRRRR, the beach is monstreous... the waves are HUUUGE, and so violent, and they just do NOT let you swim! You cant even get in the water... youll get pushed in and out and left and right! the waves are scarrryyyyyyy.

Anyhow, Ariana and I get to the ¨calm¨ beach she knows and the waves are just GOING CRAAZYYYYYY. theres no calmness around! We tried... but it was like a work-out... you get it, you get pushed to the left, you try to stand but it pulls you down and right... its crazy!
So we decide to leave and go to another beach!
Except...... we decide to do that internally.... theres a ROCK... or like three ROCKS.. and were like LETS climb them, and we would get to the other side!
Here we are, two girls, HIKING a rock amidst crazy waves!
FOUAD JOSEPH KARAM was on my mind with every step of the way.... Left leg here, right hand there, stop, wait for the huge wave to splash, now right left here, go down, go up, left hand JUMP!!! 30 minutes later... SUCCESSSSSSS!!!!
We are on the other side of the beach.... Calm???? NO WAYYYYYY! Its the same thing!!!

We ended up going home, cooking food, and having a siesta on the hammocks!


  1. you're back wallhamdoullillah lete est la ma cherie!!! jtembrasse w bawssik w i miss u!

  2. Niiiiice Sister!! Lina hiking?? very very nice! and impressive!

  3. AYWA OKHTE !!!!


  4. habibi saira AVENTUROSA! Tienes que venir a recoger la basura del rio de Jenne con nosotros lannouna!

  5. hammocks... totally my kind of adventure... ;)
