Saturday, July 25, 2009


Bonjour the world! Ca Va? All is great??

Remember how I told you I see ALL kinds, shapes and forms of people?
Indirectly, Im implying that this city (as i have noticed, nothing factual) has an identity problem.
Am I french? Am I english? what am I?

Its amazing how these people speak PERFECT english, and even a more perfect french!
They have the accent spot on, they have a wide and extensive vocabulary, grammar, everything.

Around the city, EVERYTHING you see is written twice!
Metro/Le Metro.

One alteration though... THE QUEBEQIAN ACCENT... wohowwwww... Wooouuuuaaattttttt???
Les Greiiiiinnnn Pareeeiiinnnn as opposed to Grand Parents.
OUWEEEEEEE as opposed to Oui.
Untsi pue as opposed to Un petit peu.

Apparently, Quebec is the only French-speaking part of all of Canada, and they are fighting for it to be a LIBRE QUEBEC, One that is keeps its French-speaking origins.
Some shops and places explicilty have a sigh saying "Ici, On commerce en Francais " and if you speak in English they will not reply to you.

SUCH helpful people, SO SO NICE. Wow, its so nice to constantly have smart conversations with switched on people who serve you. I went to buy a phone and a number..... They know what theyre talking about, they stay with you TILL then end. I was really stupid in there.
Man, they have different plans for mobile phone.. You can choose to pay for outgoing calls for free all month, but pay for your incoming, Same with Text messages, You can choose certain mobile numbers that will NOT have any charges to them, So if you choose that number, you can call and call for free!
A lotttttt of options and plans!

Also, since you cant have a phone without the number (and vice versa coz they sell them both together), EVERYONE carries the same phones around... costing from 10 to 100 dollars! Thats it.... Man, i remember I waited and waited for my Blackbery Bold and paid 3,000 AED for it!
Not to forget the Millions of Dollar phones with diamonds and a mini bathroom in them!

Thats not in here! No, Not in here!

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