Friday, July 31, 2009

Mon Premier- My First

I dont know what it is about the city, about this house Im in, or about the Depaneur(Grocery)/ Mini Mall under the house... But you know what??? I feel RIGHT !

Its a rare feeling you get , at different points of ur life.... But when you start feeling it, you feel confident in doing right about anything.

I had my Yoga class at 12:00 noon at St Katherine and Rue Stanley which I dediced to find a way to get to , ALONE..........And for the first time!
I wanted to feel like Im choosing the direction I should take and not just semi-relying on the locals (Joey and Liz).
So I got ready for the walk, planned my Route, got my Ipod out, and hit the streets..

C'etais superbe! C'etais vraiment une tres belle marche.

I bought my first French book!
Im really getting closer to this language. Im speaking in french to EVERYONE I see!
You should see me reading??? I read like Im a 7-year old.
I have to be saying the words out loud, so I hear myself. I speak slowly. At the same time, I feel like Im studying the language all over again!

I then met up with Liz and Joey and walked towards the View Port du Montreal.
We walked around the streets, the musicians, the artists, and many galleries. We sat on the floor and watched the Gymnasts doing some really high jumps choreographed to the music they are playing. Noticing walkers, bikers, families, rollerbalders, readers.

I look around and I smile.

Joey's friend invited us to her place, to chill and watch the sunset on her balcony in Cote De Neige ( That I previouly called Mont Montagne! Inno its high and it has something, snow, mountain, whatever)

Having realized that I need to change my clothes! I took the decision that I will head to the house, pick up whatever, change, and then head back to Cote De Neige ALONE.
No hesitation! Im off......

It took me one full hour, I got lost twice... Once on the way. And once the way Back.

I made it. I felt rewarded.
As a first timer, It felt GREAT!