Friday, July 24, 2009


My first shot of reality :"Miss Karam, Youre Late!".
I walked into the plane and everyone is frowning, I was the last one to board the plane coz, you know, I met acouple in Dubai Duty Free and chatted my whole way into their life and didnt realize that the flight had been onFINAL CALL for a good half an hour! Nice!
Six hours and half later, I get to Frankfurt and my ears automatically detect the einnnggtt and ayyyynggtt-ness ofthe dutch language. Around 2 hours later, as I am calmly watching a documentary on my laptop, the whole of Frakfurt airport gets flodded with AT LEAST 3 full flights of Indian passangers. And here! It happens... "I TOLD YOU, THE COFFEE IS 6 DOLLARS"... I had never realized how RUDE people can be with Indian people. The waiter didnt even BOTHER looking at the inidian while screaming the price to him!Another 7 hours and 40 minutes later, I am in Montreal Airport and within one hour, I was AT the JOOLIZ (Joey and Liza's house) in Avenue Du Parc. They've furnished it so so so well. Its a really cozy one-bedroom, all colors, with many gadgets and masks on the walls, along with a whole wall filled with pictures, happy pictures.
The excitement of hugging,kissing, welcoming, was really strong and it just felt RIGHT. I started unpacking slowly and then Liza and I walked to St Katherine to have a nice catch-up session in Starbucks.
I see chinese, I see blue-haired girls, I see many handicaps, I see hippies, I see very very funky looking girls with ALOT OF STYLE. Its crazy how NOBODY looks like anybody. Theres a big sense if Individualism.

L'ete est La. Summer is here. There was an article in the paper saying SUMMER IS HERE. Yeah well, everyone is on the streets in shorts and tshirts holding an umbrella. Its raining, I havent yet seen the sun, BUT its summer. Its cloudy and Im wearing my leather jacket. They call this summer.

I feel light, my eyes are glowing, my face too. I breathe happiness. I can not really decribe what Im feeling,This is one of the most beautiful feelings. I feel so at home with Jooliz, I pack I walk around and I smile. I walk down the street. I smile.

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