Wednesday, July 29, 2009


In Quebecan its TraAnkilite and in French its Tranquilite ..... is the word you feel when you walk on the streets.

Everyone is trAAAnkeel.

I spent a good portion of my day on Park Mont Royal coz we found out that the weather is good! The meteo said it was gonna be thunder-raining, SO NOT!... The sun was up all day long and people in the park were in their swim suits tanning.

The clouds were moving so fast; it was almost like Im watching a movie. Clear blue skies, among a pattern of clustered clouds spread all across the sky. The clouds start moving, really fast, they all carry a different color and thickness.

white, really white, grey, darker, black, RAIN ! and less than a minute later, as the clouds keep moving SUNSHINE. Literally, thats how fast it changes.

FYI: The meteo gives out a forecast of the weather PER block! Depends where the cloud lands.

Going back to TrAAAIInkeel, people are just..... tranquile.

Theres so much room for creativity; people really get creative with the idea of free living.

The Graffitti; here is unreal; its so different, breathless, and so delicate! They chose the right location and BAMMM add a whole new feeling to the neighborhood.

The nice thing is , as opposed to Bracelona, its NOT all over the place; Its chosen !

I put some pictures of them, and you be the judge. Here, we visited St. Laurent, St. Denis, and St. Katherine.

The buildings are ... wohow.

The shops? Oh God shou hayda?? How do they even think about these things. We visited a Vintage store, you can see the Roller Blades, used! The woman at the counter was dressed SO typical 70s style with the glasses and the hair. ...

Raed is a friend of Jooliz visiting them for one day from Dubai.

My cousin, I believe youve met.

and Joey and Liza.


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