Wednesday, January 13, 2010


So basically, That's IT..

I've reached the moment I was dreading.. Ive reached this far... Its soo soo far. .. I almost thought I would never reach it....

I walked my 2 feet back to JBR, walked up the stairs, opened the doors of the Head Office and walked my way to my desk!

I sat down and started staring around me... I started talking to the many many people who came to my desk to tell me "WELCOME BACKKKK" "OH LINAA, YOURE BACKKK"
I answered the questions, and I commented on my trip, and I tried so hard to understand whats going on.

I'll tell you whats going on....
Whats going on is that I left this very very very same desk... Went awayyyyyy, so far away... physically 18 hours away, 10 hours of time difference away, and a whole new different language away....
................and smoothly walked back to my desk!!!

The desk that still contains my Calendar with all my notes and my little stars on "JULY 23".. and my handwriting saying "CANADA and MEXICO".. WITH A BIG BLACK CIRCLE AROUND MY DATE OF DEPARTTURE.

And the most interesting story is .... the tissue box is still AT THE SAME LOCATION as I left it!
The notes, the papers, the ruler, the calculater, my white jacket, TODO, TODO, TODO!!!!!

I spent 2 whole days questioning my existance... where am I?? Why am I here?? okay so whats the plan??

My poor poor Boyfriend!!!!
I started opening topics like "Whats our plan? Where do you wanna live?? When do we wanna leave??"
My poor boyfriend.. I scared him so much!!!!
"LINA, Where is all this coming from?>??"

This is coming from.... I dont care where this is coming from.... IM BACK..

IM BACK.... FULLY BACK.... not just back to Dubai.. But back to my job... my phone... my customers... my people... my colleages... my meetings... my everything....
The situation at work has improved... and I AM BACKKK:))))))

Im here..Now... Today... Nothing matters but TODAY...

I have decided to STOP thinking about Yesterday and last month, and in 1 month, or in 1 year...

This , I believe, will make me focus on the MORE Important things in Life....
which, by the way, is WONDERFUL....

Just Focus, and LIVE, and ENJOYYYYYY... TODAY!!!!

Signed; Yours truthfully
Lina Del Libano, who is now physically in the office!



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