Saturday, June 30, 2012

Inner Laugh

                                                     Smile-------- Laugh--------Breathe, 
                                                         Love-------- Give----------- Feel,

Its all about becoming a better YOU, 
And its a long process, 

So you will always feel Resentment, Anger, or have Negative Connotations towards some things,
But the BEAUTY of it all is training your mind on how to control these feelings, 
Push them out, 
Start over again, 
Let Love in, 
and fill yourselves with Smiles and Inner Silence. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Yes, I did it again

And I would do it again and again and again :)

The country I live in, The society surrounding me, the language, the religion, the music, the lifestyle, the freedom, the weather, the job, the house, OH WOW! I've changed EVERYTHING :) 
                                                 And I MARRIED THE LOVE OF MY LIFE! 

The person who took my hand, held it tight, assured me that everyone is NOT gonna be 'okay', its actually gonna be 'PERFECT'. 
He paved the way, He walked infront of me, He strengthened me, and He kept a straight smile on his face throughout this journey. 

Together, We discovered new paths  thats lead to this Happiness-Road, and we discovered a new way to LIVE it! 
We let go of all our fears, put ALL our trust in each other, and began hiking up that gorgeous Happy Hill.

                                   And I would do it again and again and again :)